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ColdMC Punishment Format
When applying for an unban or unmute you must copy this format. Please do not reply to your own ban appeal unless you have made edits as we will get to it eventually. Please do not lie on your ban appeal.
Also please after you are done with filling it out make the text color white.
IGN [In Game Name]:
Banned or Muted?:
Ban/Mute Reason:
Length of Ban/Mute:
Staff who banned/muted you:
Are you Guilty?:
Why should you be unbanned/unmuted?:
Additional Information:
You must follow this format in order to get staff.
Also please after you are done with filling it out make the text color white.
(Copy everything under the rules and fill it in):
Staff Application Rules:
1. Any plagiarism will result in an instant denial.
2. You may not be staff on another network.
3. No asking staff, management, or owner when applications will be read.
4. No asking people to read your application.
5. You must be able to record and have a working mic.
6. No bumping your application.
7. No recent punishments within the past 2 weeks.
8. Your application must be one post, it can not be multiple posts.
What is your Minecraft username? (IGN):
NameMC Link:
Do you have a working microphone?:
You are required to have discord. What is your discord name and #0000?:
Please list some games you play regularly(ColdWars, Arcade, Survival, RPR, Duels, FFA, Space Block):
Where do you live?:
What languages do you speak?:
Why did you pick ColdMC?:
Are you thinking that you will spend money on the server and help support it?:
What could you think needs the most improvement at Coldmc, and how would you improve it.:
Do you work better alone or in a team and why?:
Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?
What aspects of your personality do you feel will make you a good fit for the ColdMC Community?
SCENARIO: Suppose it's your first week of being a Helper and you mute a player with a high rank. Their guildmates start spamming your Discord calling you a bad Helper and telling you to unmute them. What would you do?:
SCENARIO: "You come home from school/work and have a ton of homework/work to do, you think to yourself I'll just take a 5-minute break before I start and get on ColdMC. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and you've been on the server all that time." Does this scenario sound familiar to you?:
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:
What do you have a lot of experience within Minecraft?
Anything else we should know?: